Digital Trust Label: Co-Development and Public Consultation Process

August 2020

Starting in Summer 2020, the goal of the co-development process is to garner a wide base of expert-participants for further development of the label´s content.

We want to co-develop the best possible cutting-edge label for consumers and end-users of digital services. To reach that objective, we invite experts and organizations working on digitalization and trust-related issues to challenge the label and provide us with constructive feedback. Any type of feedback on the content of the label is welcome, including technical, legal, organisational, ethical, managerial or of any other relevant nature. If you want to give feedback on the Draft Content of the Label, you can do so by filling out this survey or by fixing an interview slot with

The gathered feedback will be consolidated and handed over to the expert committee that is in charge of further developing the label. Every feedback will be taken into consideration. A synthesis report of the feedback will be made public.

For more information about the ongoing co-development process, please contact us at: