Event series on ethics and AI
Nicolas Zahn • October 2021

As part of this year’s Swiss Digital Day, the Swiss Digital Initiative organizes an event series where we look closely at three aspects of ethics and AI. Together with our project partners AlgorithmWatch Switzerland, ethix and GESDA we invite to join us as we explore political and economical aspects of ethics in AI as well as future scenarios for technological developments and governance.
Political aspects of AI ethics
We started our event series today in Switzerland’s capital Bern. Together with AlgorithmWatch Switzerland, we used this workshop to discuss political aspects of AI ethics. Where in the public sector are AI applications already used, what questions do they raise from an ethics perspective and how are those questions being answered? We will publish a summary of the discussion shortly, so stay tuned.
AI ethics and the economy
Our second event is co-organized with ethix and will take place on October 25 in Zürich (details and registration here). What are your expectations and demands for the economy? What do customers expect from the private sector when it comes to AI ethics? Come and join us for this workshop and co-create our recommendations for a human-centered digital future.
If you cannot participate at the event, we nevertheless invite you to fill out our survey to let us know about your expectations and views towards the economy and AI ethics: Survey
Science anticipation and governance
Our final event is co-organized with GESDA and will take place later this year in Geneva. New technologies evolve quickly and raise new questions for policymakers but also promise lots of new opportunities for us as individuals and our society. Where could the journey go and what do different scenarios mean for the governance of future digital technologies? Join us as we explore these questions through expert presentations by GESDA and representatives from the international Geneva. The Swiss Digital Initiative will afterwards moderate a panel discussion so join us to raise your questions about our digital future.
Continuing the discussion
We will summarize the key points of each discussion and publish a new blog at the conclusion of the event series with our main take-aways, so stay tuned. If you haven’t done so yet, feel free to subscribe to our newsletter.