Who We Are
Advancing practice-oriented ethics in the digital age!
In September 2019, the first Swiss Global Digital Summit took place in Geneva, Switzerland, to provide a platform to promote in-depth discussions on “Ethics and Fairness in the Age of Digital Transformation”. The Summit represented the starting point of the “Swiss Digital Initiative” (SDI). During WEF 2020 in Davos, the Swiss Digital Initiative celebrated its official launch and the creation of the foundation.
Board of Directors
Doris Leuthard
President, former Swiss Federal Councillor and Member of the UN High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation
Ivo Furrer
Former President digitalswitzerland, Member of the Board of Directors of Julius Baer, Helvetia Insurance, responsAbility, inventx
Marc Walder
CEO Ringier and Founder digitalswitzerland
André Kudelski
Chairman and CEO Kudelski Group
Michael Hengartner
President ETH Board
Anja Wyden Guelpa
Director and founder civicLab and former State Chancellor of the State of Geneva
Executive Team
Manuel Liatowitsch
Secretary of the Foundation