The Digital Trust Label is awarded to OneLog!
Jessica Espinosa • June 2023

In January 2022, the Swiss Digital Initiative introduced the first-in-the-world actionable tool to advance digital trust, the Digital Trust Label. Based on a 3rd party audit using 35 criteria across 4 dimensions: Security, Data Protection, Reliability and Fair user interaction, a digital service is considered trustworthy and is awarded the Label if it meets all the criteria. After undergoing a detailed and extended audit process, OneLog received the Digital Trust Label. To get further insight into OneLog’s work and commitment to trustworthy digital services, SDI had the opportunity to have a conversation with Silvano Oeschger, OneLog’s CEO. Here is what we talked about:
To begin with, please explain to us OneLog’s uniqueness as a digital service provider
OneLog supports Swiss media companies to (re)establish a direct relationship with users and improve the basis of 1st party data. The solution offers advantages both for the users and for the media companies involved. Users benefit from the fact that they can access all online offerings with a single registration. Their personal data can be managed in a central user cockpit. OneLog is, of course, fully compliant with data protection and has the highest security standards and is always kept up to date, while offering features such as TouchID, FaceID, or 2 FactorVerification. The media companies benefit from the expansion of their respective 1st party data basis, whilst no data exchange takes place between the media companies.
You successfully completed an audit which is based on 35 criteria within the categories of security, data protection, reliability and fair user interaction. Why was it important to guarantee that your services are trustworthy, transparent and ethical with the Digital Trust Label?
Especially in the media environment, transparency and trust are crucial, not only in terms of journalistic coverage but also in the handling of data. Over 2.3 million users from more than 40 media brands can rely on the fact that data transmission at OneLog is fully encrypted and secure and that their data is stored according to strict guidelines. The Digital Trust Label acknowledges and certifies our efforts in digital transparency and security.
When we go into your website, we can see that OneLog is beyond committed to providing full security to your users. From your perspective, how are digital security and digital trust intertwined?
For us, digital security goes hand in hand with digital trust. For OneLog, security has been a top priority since the beginning because we handle an essential asset for the media we serve – their clients’ registration and login data.
You are now officially part of the Digital Trust Label Pioneers. For you, what does it entail to be a pioneer in digital trust?
As I said before, digital trust is essential, especially in the media world, and that’s why we were keen to be among the first to join this important initiative. At the same time, it is also a strong signal to the users of OneLog and our further potential media partners.
At OneLog, we are committed to the highest security standards, and all functions and processes have been designed along the strictest data protection guidelines and validated by our own DPO.
How does OneLog guarantee that its products and services are developed and maintained in a secure, reliable and trustworthy manner?
We implemented a comprehensive security and quality management system that includes secure and up-to-date software development practices, measures to protect user data and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations, regular security testing and assessments to identify vulnerabilities, and a bug bounty program in which hundreds of friendly hackers help us to keep the platform secure, reliable and trustworthy.
What do you think is going to be important for users in the future to maintain and create trust in digital environments?
I believe that transparency in the handling and use of data is one of the most important prerequisites for creating digital trust. Particularly because large digital platforms have handled data disreputably in the past, users have rightly become more critical. It is, therefore, of immense importance that users can easily get an idea of how their data is processed and used.
Check out more on OneLog:
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